Good morning,
Offshore fishing yesterday was slow. The water on the bottom was cold and dirty. There were a few cobias caught yesterday, but that was all I heard.
The fishing in the river was really good yesterday. I fished with my buddy Moon, and caught several snook and trout. The water was cleaned up great since the blow. The river is full of silver mullet, and there are plenty of predators trying to ambush them. We fished from close to the inlet to a flat up toward Vero. The top lure early in the day was a 5" Gulp jerk shad in glow or sapphire shine. The snook were up to 24"-25" and the trout were up to the same size. As we got further north and it got later I switched to a new plug made by Sebile. It got plenty of bites, but I had trouble keeping the fish glued to it. I pulled off two NICE trout and a really nice redfish before I started catching a few snook.
Have a good day