I talked with Moon Crossman yesterday on the Twenty and he reported catching 8 dolphin and missing one sail in the 200’s. He said the water was dirty all the way out to 200′ and there wasn’t any great conditions. The Last Mango also had a few dolphin and caught one sail. There are plenty of bluefish, Spanish mackerel, and bonitas on the beach for those of you that want to make a short run and bend a rod.
Inshore fishing has been strong the last two days. I heard of some hefty snook being caught around dock lights to the North and around the inlet. Try fishing the lightest leader you can and a small light colored bait. Small D.O.A. shrimp in white or glow always work well as do small flies in a light color. Big trout are still on every flat. We have heard of sizable trout caught from Vero all the way to the powerlines the last few days. I heard of some over-sizes reds caught in the inlet on live bait and some slot sized reds on the shoreline near St. Lucie Village.
Get out today, it’s going to get cold and windy tomorrow.
Have a great day!