Good morning, Yesterday anglers found chilly water temperature conditions both offshore and near shore. Dave Moberg reported catching 6 cobia at the cove off Vero Beach yesterday on live greenies. Rusty Varn reported catching a kingfish that weighed in at 41.9 pounds on live bait somewhere in shallow water. Cooler water conditions have persisted the last few days but show some signs of warming a little towards the south. Bottom fishing in 27 fathoms where the cooler water has not affected fishing, has been good for grouper.
Inshore, last the night the tarpon were active at the mouth of the Ft. Pierce inlet and were hitting mullet. The snook fishing has slowed considerably with cooler water temperature and very clear conditions. The trout fishing remains consistent a lot of smaller trout are populating the lagoon right now and will hit soft plastics and live pigfish.
ATTENTION: Matt Monks representative for Ten Point Crossbows will put on a seminar on Saturday July 23RD starting at 9:00 a.m. We have a nice selection of crossbows in stock, so plan on attending.
Have a great day, Donald.