Good morning,
Well we have had several interesting trips this week. Day before yesterday we fished the beach for a couple of hours in search of tarpon. I found a school of greenies pushed up tight on the surface being herded by sharks and kingfish. We started throwing top-water plugs around the school and every cast a king between 20-40 pounds would take a swat at the plug. We ended up catching 3-4 on super spooks in the 30# range. Move over SKA, no need for ribbon fish, just a top-water plug. We did see several tarpon but couldn’t convince one he was hungry. The night time snapper fishing has been good. Several boats the last couple of nights have caught a limit of mangroves up to 12 #’s. There are still plenty of cobia from the beach to the offshore bar.
Inshore, I have seen more monster snook in the river this week than I have my entire life fishing here. I guess these tight slot limits are doing there job because there is truly an abundance of huge fish around. I saw one school of fish to the South that had several fish in the thirty pound class in it, with the smallest around twenty pounds. There are some nice schools of redfish forming up and most are upper slot fish.
Have a great day!