Good morning,
It seems that the dog days of summer have set in. Most of the smart people are under water trying to catch lobster today for the opening of mini-season. Despite the heat we are still hearing decent fishing reports. There has been an awesome kingfish bite on the beach for about a week. Although most are not tournament class fish there has been an abundance of mid size kings to warp a rod over. There have still been a few nice cobia captured in the same vicinities cruising the bait schools. On the other side, the tunas are still biting. Dale Sorensen sent me a few pictures from the weekend. They had great tuna and bottom fishing (the largest yellowfin is in the picture below, great job!) Next week should be great swordfishing with the waxing moon. We had awesome swordfishing last year at this time on this moon.
Closer in, there was a pile of bait coming in the inlet on the ebb tide. I can only imagine the snook fishing to be excellent. On the flats, we are still hearing of large schools of upper slot to over-sized redfish in Ft. Pierce. I think I will have to go investigate after work!
Have a great day (except for Rob Carlin!)