Good morning all,
Well it looks like the ocean is going to lay down for us for a few days. Again, I don't have much of an offshore report from yesterday do to sea conditions. I know of some guys fishing today and we are going wahoo fishing tomorrow so we will have a detailed report the next couple of days in time for the weekend.
Inshore: Sam Crutchfield caught a few more pompano yesterday and one small permit. They have been fishing both North in the river and around some of the inlet spoils. Snook fishing remians good in the inlet and bridges and the surf fishing has still been very good. There have been nice stringers of pomano caugth on both North and South Beach on sand fleas and shrimp. I talked to a customer who fished around Round Island day before yesterday and caught 4 trout from 28-30"'s and a couple of redfish.
Go get em!
Below is a picture of Monte Peters and I Redfishing in Titusville last Thursday. Not exactly the tailing redfish we were looking for.