Good morning,
I think the forecasters have been boozing a bit again. They called for 1-2′ yesterday but I’m not sure how that’s possible with the tropical storm force winds. We received a report from a boat at the Pelican yesterday that caught close to thirty dolphin. Most fish were from 200-300′ all the way out to 700′. Some of the fish were in the thirty pound bracket. Snapper fishing remains good on the reef and I did see some pilchard in the surf last night, (to the South) for those of you who want to get a net full on the way out. We ran down the beach looking for tarpon and permit yesterday evening but weren’t so fortunate. Geoff saw three tarpons roll but that was the short of it.
Inshore fishing has been pretty strong the last few days. There are plenty of snook to be caught on the flats and in the deep spots. Top water fishing before dark has been great and soft plastics and live baits have been producing in daylight hours. I haven’t heard much about redfish the last few days, but there have been some stout trout caught.
The next few days look pretty decent with a cold front coming through in time to screw up the weekend. (Can anyone explain another cold front in late May?).
Have a good day!